Navot Miller
Navot Miller
Photo by: David Giorgadze
Navot Miller
Navot Miller (b.1991) focuses on intimate interactions and the queer aspects of banal, uneventful encounters. Throughout his life, Miller has always been fascinated by visuals and sound as a way of expressing ideas and exploring topics such as sexuality, religion and desire. Using the practice of opposite and contrasting colors as a form of painting and the aesthetic of collaging short videos, Miller creates montages of scenes into both paper and videos while juxtaposing tragedy and positivity. He pays close attention to the figurative form of objects he considers as a muse and to the sense of space created by multiple layers in a single place.
Primarily working with water based color, Miller engages with flatness as a way to create senses of still drama in his works.
Miller is a permanent member of the art community KuLe in Berlin and a recipient of Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Scholarship.
Hernshead in Central Park
Water Pastel on Paper
28” x 40”